The Equine Head (inc. The TMJ & Hyoid)


This intricate module will explore the equine head, neck and TMJ. This vitally important region of the horse, affected by tack, dentistry and gadgets every day, requires isolated attention. As such, students will delve into the anatomy, physiology and common conditions (pathological, neurological, functional and mechanical) that affect this region, in addition to dental considerations. So that practitioners may effectively assess and treat, as part of a truly integrated approach.

This includes: Taught online content, a practical workshop, assessment, assignments and self-directed learning and practice. 

Indicative content

  • Anatomy of the head, TMJ and hyoid (including osteology, myology and arthrology)
  • Function and importance of these structures 
  • Pathophysiology/neurological considerations affecting this region
  • Structural/functional considerations when approaching the head, TMJ and hyoid
  • Assessment of the head, TMJ and hyoid
  • Analysing your assessment in order to determine primary and secondary lesion patterns
  • Treatment approaches to the Head, TMJ and hyoid
  • Dental considerations when dealing with the TMJ
  • Drawing conclusions to enhance the creation of high quality and effective treatment and management protocols


This course is for graduates of the AOI Equine Diploma and experienced equine osteopaths. All applicants must have successfully completed the Diploma Pathway (or be able to demonstrate the equivalent. A equine osteopathic conversion course is available for those wishing to enter year two of our Diploma directly. Please click HERE for more information. Proof of prior experience and education is essential (without exception).

This module is designed for equine osteopathic/musculoskeletal professionals with solid academic knowledge and significant hands-on experience in equine osteopathic medicine. Proof of prior experience and education is essential. AOI Equine Functional Osteopathic Diploma graduates get automatic access.

All applicants must have:

  1. A solid foundation of musculoskeletal and biomechanical knowledge of the equine model;
  2. Qualifications and experience in animal osteopathy at the academic level;
  3. A well-versed background in equine anatomy and neuro-anatomy;
  4. A solid equine musculoskeletal assessment process (which includes joint and soft tissue testing)
  5. Knowledge of adjustments/mobilisation and Balanced Ligamentous Tension/Balance Tissue Tension and Myofascial styles of treatment related to the equine patient;
  6. An ability to apply soft tissue, stretching, articulation, mobilisations, Myofascial and Balanced Ligamentous Tension  techniques to the equine patient,
  7. Safe and confident handling of the equine model in a therapeutic manner. 

If you are interested in taking this course, please click on the fish to contact us today. Applications are ongoing due to the part-online nature of the content.